What is the Feldenkrais Method®?

This is a system of mindful movement designed to activate the brain's neuroplasticity so that you can move better, think clearer and feel surprisingly good with very little  effort.


Who is the Feldenkrais Method® for?

Pretty much anyone who wants to improve something in their lives. The lessons help enhance physical and mental focus, coordination and flexibility, and also eases stress or anxiety.

Musicians, dancers, actors, designers and other creatives use this method to enhance their skills through heightened learning and creativity.


How is  Feldenkrais connected to landscape architecture?

Your brain is constantly changing in response to your environment.

Your brain consists of billions of neurons, each with thousands of connections to other neurons, which are constantly reorganizing themselves moment to moment in response to your environment. This process is called neuroplasticity.  

Feldenkrais lessons use movement to activate this neuroplasticity so that your nervous system improves itself as it connects your inner landscape with your environment. This reorganization is your brain learning. 

Recent neuroscience has shown that both  learning and creative flow work similarly in our brains.

The optimal conditions for learning are also the strategies for finding creative flow. They both happen by literally making new connections between things (ideas, neurons, brain regions) that were previously unconnected.  

Although commonly used for physical improvements, Feldenkrais-based movements enhance the creative process, so we can design to our highest potential. This is particularly useful when you feel stuck, have creative blocks, or when working under stress.

Is it like yoga or Pilates?

Classes are similar to yoga or Pilates in that they are group classes lead verbally by an instructor. However in Feldenkrais, the classes are lessons rather than exercises.

When you exercise, you work to push your limits. In Feldenkrais, what you do is much less important than discovering HOW you do it, and finding ways to make things as easy as possible.

Each lesson is designed for you to learn more about yourself and discover more effective ways of doing what you do. 

How does it differ from massage & chiropractic?

In massage, the practitioner is working directly with the client’s muscles; in chiropractic, with the client’s bones. These are structural approaches that affect change through changes in physical structure.

The Feldenkrais Method works with the client’s nervous system and its ability to self-regulate, coordinate and reorganize for more efficient movement and mental clarity.

What happens in a session?

In Awareness Through Movement® classes, the teacher verbally leads students through a sequence either on the floor, standing, or sitting.

By moving with increasing awareness, students discover their unique habits, and explore new alternatives for moving, thinking and responding to their environment.

There are hundreds of lessons, varying in complexity, for all levels of ability. A lesson generally lasts 40-60 minutes.

Private, one-on-one lessons are called Functional Integration® and are tailored to each student’s individual needs.

The teacher guides movement using gentle touch or verbal instructions. Students are fully clothed, lying down, sitting, or standing. 

Lessons can be done in-person or online.

How are Feldenkrais Practitioners trained?

All Feldenkrais practitioners must complete 800 hours of training over 4 years which includes Newtonian mechanics, kinesthesiology, physics, neurophysiology, developmental movement, biology, non-violent communication, voice regulation and learning theories.

Who was Moshe Feldenkrais?

Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984)

Dr. Feldenkrais was an Israeli physicist and Judo expert and self-defense instructor. Chronic knee injuries prompted him to apply his knowledge of physics, body mechanics, neurology, learning theory and psychology to a new understanding of human function, harnessing what is now known as neuroplasticity, but decades before the term was coined. 

His revolutionary approach addresses the whole person, including how you think, what you sense, and how you feel, to understand and improve how you move through life.

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