Holding Paradox

The last few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster, as I am in the process of building my little 24' x 30' dream house! 

From one moment to the next I oscillate from completely thrilled and delighted, to panic and fear, to decision fatigue, to deep felt gratitude. Fortunately, I find myself in the delighted phase more often than not. And I am intentionally using this experience as a practice in holding paradox.

We know intellectually that the binary this-or-that, black-or-white, either/or world is an illusion. So, my question is how do we HOLD seemingly contradictory feelings, ideas, thoughts, and emotions in our bodies, without needing to be one or the other? What does it feel like to attend to each with equal clarity and non-judgemental acceptance?

This is my current practice... and it's taking my entire skillset... living with paradox and trying to learn from it. Reality is complex, ever-changing, and grounded in uncertainty. We need to become comfortable with holding paradox if we want to live in an increasingly creative, diverse and compassionate world.